Efficiency of overflow fecal incontinence treated by biofeedback and electrical-stimulating therapy 生物反馈联合电刺激治疗小儿充溢性大便失禁的疗效观察
All patients could sense stool and control defecation one month after operation, 26 cases with 1-3 bowel movements a day after half a year, only 2 cases with occasional overflow incontinence. 结果:术后无1例吻合口瘘发生,吻合口狭窄3例(10.7%),术后1个月均能预知和控制排便,术后半年每日排便1~3次26例,有2例偶有粪便外溢。
Urodynamic analysis in female patients with overflow incontinence complicated with upper urinary tract dilatation 女性充溢性尿失禁上尿路扩张患者尿动力学分析
Aim: To observe the urodynamic changes in female patients with overflow incontinence complicated with upper urinary tract dilatation ( UUTD). 目的探讨女性充溢性尿失禁上尿路扩张患者尿动力学参数的变化。